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Red Rocks, Nevada.............Press Release: Walk in Sun leads to Sunzeez Newborn Sunglasses!


A proud grandfather took his newborn granddaughter for a walk on a sunny day in Nevada. He thought a wide brimmed hat and a stroller's canopy would provide plenty of shade for the infant. He soon found out that the sun hat and canopy was no match for the oppressive Nevadan Sun. Every time Gramps turned the stroller in a different direction he created another angle for the sun to invade the baby's face. The baby's reaction to the intense brightness was to seal her eyes shut until she was shaded again. Concerned for his grandbaby's well being, he decided to cut the walk short and shop for a solution to the problem on line. 


To his surprise, a thorough search of the internet produced two significant results. He discovered that an infant's eyes are more susceptible to ultraviolet rays than adults and that there were no lightweight easy to use sunglasses for newborn babies to wear in their first few months of life. He left Nevada and went back to his home in Chicago without a solution. 


Then one day, the whole idea for Sunzeez came together while Gramps was getting his old camera fixed. The shop technician removed a roll of coiled up tinted film from the vintage camera and placed it on the counter. Gramps picked up the discarded film roll, unfurled it over his eyes, and the idea for Sunzeez was born. 


Designed to protect newborns, Sunzeez are made of a patented anti-ultraviolet polymer lenses. The featherweight protective sunglasses are secured to the baby's temples by memory touch edge banding that substitutes for hard rubber plastic ear hooks. There are no tight head straps, so there is nothing for mom to monkey with. Sunzeez simply unfurl over the baby's eyes to achieve maximum protection from every angle. 


There are several unanticipated benefits of Sunzeez sunglasses.  They often have a calming effect on the baby as soon as they are set in place. Babies can sleep in them comfortably without hard plastic or ear hooks putting undo pressure marks on the child. In addition, when mom is attending to the infant, she can conveniently wrap Sunzeez around her wrist. 


Many of us have lost a pair of sunglasses or can't find them when we need them most so Sunzeez are sold three to a pack, a "bundle". Sunzeez are sold on line at Look for Sunzeez at baby shops and boutiques in your area. 




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